Tag Archives: writing

New One

Leaving remnants of her,

Scaring away the tendencies. 

Her was I

We were split

I came to Myself in the dark

Saw the opening in the sky 

My arms outstretched, my fingertips 


I couldn’t see Myself 

The clouds were so dense

I couldn’t free Myself

I needed You

[Kings & Queens]

Can you see the glow beneath my skin, love?
Do you read the words that rest on my tongue?
My flesh feels transparent around you;
Like your skin always resting on mine.

I feel the fire inside me,
burning the nerves underneath my skin

I only yearn for the breath of you;
Just to rest my eyes upon yours.

But i always lose myself in the deep wide dark
The dark residing inside.
It has solid arms, smothering me under the weight of it

But i close my eyes and those arms are yours.
Those arms are on my waist, on my thighs, on my face
They hold on to the sides of me,
Releasing hidden energy

How are you real?
I open my eyes, but the world is my dream.
You are my hope, don’t you see?

Can’t you see the holes covering me?
Can’t you see that the gold shining through,
Is because of you?

(For those lovers)


You are red-primary color
I am hidden-underneath you
There is sand and blue behind you
Or is that just the ocean?

Sinking sinking sinking
Where’d you go?
You are red-a constant fire
You are here
You are gone
Are you nowhere?

I thought you were the ocean as i was enveloped beneath you
I thought i was broken, when your breath let out the fire
But you are not the ocean
You are not even fire

I am not nowhere
I am everywhere